Monday, May 11, 2009

Mysterious Stone Head Carving Riddle?

I read a very well written report on mysterious sitings of stone carved faces being found up near yorkshire. One paragraph was as follows:

Each of the heads looks different but all feature the same carving - which appears to spell out the word "paradox" - and a note bearing the riddle: "Twinkle twinkle like a star does love blaze less from afar?"

What i want to know is, can anyone actually answer the riddle or hazard a guess?

Look forward to you answers!

Mysterious Stone Head Carving Riddle?
After some research... created the site, they also have a site and blog called Hypnagogia.

Mystery solved?!

"Twinkle twinkle" is the name of a magazine, what might

you do with a magazine when you've finished reading it, throw it in the bin perhaps?

"like a star" - again the Star is a newspaper which you

might throw away after reading.

"does love blaze less" - well, you can certainly have a fire in a bin.

"from afar" - the bin men come from afar each week to empty your bin...

Yes, of course, it's a Dust(y) Bin!!
Reply:I think its some form of publicity stunt and it will be interesting to see what its all about.
Reply:Cant think of anything...(im sure we will find out soon though), however, i would suggest that he is a struggling artist, who is in love, or maybe just cynical, after a bit of publicity.
Reply:How i wish someone would leave one of those stones in front of my garden , even in my garden would be fine. Lovely.
Reply:you nutter.
Reply:I read somewhere that the picture is an ancient voodoo symbol

lol what are they going to come up with next

and no, i haven't got a clue what the riddle means!
Reply:I live near where they are being found.

Reply:Can't wait for someone to figure it out! Am i the only one who thinks it's kinda creepy?

i'd love to know too!
Reply:it's ET, wishing us a merry Christmas.

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