Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Real Death Star Could Strike Earth - From Today's Yahoo News. Is this spoke in the Book of Ezekiel?

A beautiful pinwheel in space might one day blast Earth with death rays, scientists now report

Unlike the moon-sized Death Star from Star Wars, which has to get close to a planet to blast it, this blazing spiral has the potential to burn worlds from thousands of light-years away.

"I used to appreciate this spiral just for its beautiful form, but now I can't help a twinge of feeling that it is uncannily like looking down a rifle barrel," said researcher Peter Tuthill, an astronomer at the University of Sydney.

The fiery pinwheel in space in question has at its heart a pair of hot, luminous stars locked in orbit ..

Do you think this is the Bible Wheel?-Ezekiel had a vision of the Sovereign Lord, not walking, but riding upon a lofty chariot. At this time, he was told to lie on his side 390 days (Ezk. 1-4). Just the wheels alone, of this chariot, were said to be "high and awesome".

Revelation 18-Babylon Is Fallen

After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven?

Real Death Star Could Strike Earth - From Today's Yahoo News. Is this spoke in the Book of Ezekiel?
I truely feel the Lord will come long before this thing is a danger to the Earth. In our Generation will the Lord come. Are you ready?
Reply:Only you can see the matching points....

A spiral blaze light years long is not a spinning wheel....

Are you the type of person that prays, sees some leaves being shuffled by wind and then thinks "God has heard me, that's a sign!"?
Reply:I'm waiting for Lord Vader's answer.

Oh, nevermind.
Reply:rebel I happen to love the hot women earthlings

why would I blow them up
Reply:The real mystery is the star or thing from heaven called "wormwood" Do a little research on this word and you'll see something to be concerned about. It may be in Revelation.
Reply:That sounds just like a rifle barrel to me! Get my shotgun Ma!
Reply:I don't believe that the answer will be apparent until after the fact. Zeke and John were writing allegories and while we can guess, that's is all it will be and it doesn't make a whit of difference if we understand or not.
Reply:I told you, Crimson:

The Death Star was blown up by Luke Skywalker, aided by Han Solo. Everyone onboard was destroyed.

Only the guy above me survived.

Crimson: "One Day" means eons. You %26amp; I will be dead %26amp; gone. So, who cares???
Reply:It's merely a reference to some cosmic event. Some scientists theorize it was a passing comet or a supernova. Others claim it was an alien spaceship. And some claim it's merely a reference to the sun passing through the zodiac based on some ancient 390 day annual calendar.
Reply:Well I don't suggest you start reading any books on the intergalactic threats to planet Earth then. There's millions, every day. We were almost destroyed in 2004 by a comet, which is coming back in a few years at an even closer orbit. The list of space oddities that could destroy this planet is a long list. Yet we are still here 5 billion years later.
Reply:interesting, have any more info on this phenomenon?
Reply:I believe there are many stars out in the galaxy that have the potential of burning a hole through our planet. Not to sound like a pessimist but there are more than one potential hazard we face. This is just one of them.
Reply:Could Be, who knows? The real question is would you be ready if it was?

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